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Jobs found: 31 result(s)
Architectural Technologist - Historic buildings
SW1London£35,000 - £45,000
Architectural Technologist required for historic buildings
Project Architect, Senior Architect & Architectural Technologists- Private resi
SW LondonLondon£40,000 - £65,000
High end private residential project experience required
Interior Designer - Middleweight, SketchUP, AutoCAD and Adobe suite
EC LondonLondon£35,000 - £45,000
High end design studio
Architectural Technologist - high-end residential projects
BuckinghamshireBuckinghamshire£35,000 - £45,000
High-end residential
Technical Architects and Architectural Technologists - Revit
Central LondonLondon£43,000 - £50,000
Residential and mIxed use
Senior Architect, Project Architects and Architectural Technologists - Revit
Central LondonLondon£40,000 - £62,000
Large scale projects from stage 3 to completion